시간복잡도(Time Complexity) 정리algorithm 2013. 4. 18. 11:36Time Complexity알고리즘의 시간복잡도(Time Complexity)란 함수가 입력된 값을 처리하는데 걸리는 시간을 측정한 값을 의미함.일반적으로 Big O 기호를 사용하여 표혐함.이때, 시간 복잡도의 입력값 크기는 점근적(asymptotically)으로 증가해서 결국 무한대까지갈 수 있음.시간 복잡도의 측정방법은 알고리즘이 수행하는 기본적인 연산이 몇 개 인지를 세어서 확인함.표기기호Big O(O) : 상한(upper bound)을 의미함.Big Omega(Ω) : 하한(lower bound)을 의미함.Big Theta(Θ) : Big O 와 Big Omega가 같을 때를 의미함.일반적인 시간복잡도 정리표
명칭 복잡도 수준 실행시간(T(n)) 실행시간 예 예제 알고리즘 constant time(상수시간) O(1) 10 정수가 홀수인지 짝수인지 결정하기.
Determining if an integer (represented in binary) is even or oddinverse Ackermann time O(α(n)) Amortized time per operation using a disjoint set iterated logarithmic time O(log* n) Distributed coloring of cycles log-logarithmic O(log log n) Amortized time per operation using a bounded priority queue[2] logarithmic time(로그시간) DLOGTIME O(log n) log n, log(n2) 이진검색
Binary searchpolylogarithmic time poly(log n) (log n)2 fractional power O(nc) where 0 < c < 1 n1/2, n2/3 Searching in a kd-tree linear time(선형시간) O(n) n 정렬되지 않은 배열에서 가장 작은 항목을 찾기
Finding the smallest item in an unsorted array"n log star n" time O(n log* n) Seidel's polygon triangulation algorithm. linearithmic time O(n log n) n log n, log n! Fastest possible comparison sort quadratic time(N의 2차) O(n2) n2 버블 정렬, 삽입정렬
Bubble sort; Insertion sortcubic time(N의 3차 ) O(n3) n3 Naive multiplication of two n×n matrices. Calculating partial correlation. polynomial time(다항시간) P 2O(log n) = poly(n) n, n log n, n10 Karmarkar's algorithm for linear programming; AKS primality test quasi-polynomial time QP 2poly(log n) nlog log n, nlog n Best-known O(log2 n)-approximation algorithm for the directedSteiner tree problem. sub-exponential time
(first definition)SUBEXP O(2nε) for allε > 0 O(2log nlog log n) Assuming complexity theoretic conjectures, BPP is contained in SUBEXP.[3] sub-exponential time
(second definition)2o(n) 2n1/3 Best-known algorithm for integer factorization and graph isomorphism exponential time(지수형) E 2O(n) 1.1n, 10n 동적 프로그래밍을 이용해서 외판원 순회문제를 풀때.
Solving the traveling salesman problem using dynamic programmingfactorial time O(n!) n! Solving the traveling salesman problem via brute-force search exponential time(지수형) EXPTIME 2poly(n) 2n, 2n2 double exponential time 2-EXPTIME 22poly(n) 22n Deciding the truth of a given statement in Presburger arithmetic 수학 연산의 계산복잡도기본 연산연산 입력 출력 알고리즘 복잡도 덧셈 Two n-digit numbers One n+1-digit number Schoolbook addition with carry Θ(n) 뺄셈 Two n-digit numbers One n+1-digit number Schoolbook subtraction with borrow Θ(n) 곱셈 Two n-digit numbers One 2n-digit number Schoolbook long multiplication O(n2) Karatsuba algorithm O(n1.585) 3-way Toom–Cook multiplication O(n1.465) k-way Toom–Cook multiplication O(nlog (2k − 1)/logk) Mixed-level Toom–Cook (Knuth 4.3.3-T)[2] O(n 2√2 log n logn) Schönhage–Strassen algorithm O(n log n log logn) Fürer's algorithm[3] O(n log n 2log* n) 나눗셈 Two n-digit numbers One n-digit number Schoolbook long division O(n2) Newton–Raphson division O(M(n)) Square root One n-digit number One n-digit number Newton's method O(M(n)) Modular exponentiation Two n-digit numbers and a k-bit exponent One n-digit number Repeated multiplication and reduction O(2kM(n)) Exponentiation by squaring O(k M(n)) Exponentiation with Montgomery reduction O(k M(n)) 대수함수연산 입력 출력 알고리즘 복잡도 다항식 연산 One polynomial of degree n with fixed-size polynomial coefficients One fixed-size number Direct evaluation Θ(n) Horner's method Θ(n) Polynomial gcd (overZ[x] or F[x]) Two polynomials of degree n with fixed-size polynomial coefficients One polynomial of degree at most n Euclidean algorithm O(n2) Fast Euclidean algorithm [5] O(n (log n)2 log log n) 기타 함수들Algorithm Applicability Complexity Taylor series; repeated argument reduction (e.g. exp(2x) = [exp(x)]2) and direct summation exp, log, sin, cos O(n1/2 M(n)) Taylor series; FFT-based acceleration exp, log, sin, cos O(n1/3 (log n)2 M(n)) Taylor series; binary splitting + bit burst method[7] exp, log, sin, cos O((log n)2 M(n)) Arithmetic-geometric mean iteration log O(log n M(n)) Function Input Algorithm Complexity Gamma function n-digit number Series approximation of the incomplete gamma function O(n1/2 (log n)2 M(n)) Fixed rational number Hypergeometric series O((log n)2 M(n)) m/24, m an integer Arithmetic-geometric mean iteration O(log n M(n)) Hypergeometric function pFq n-digit number (As described in Borwein & Borwein) O(n1/2 (log n)2 M(n)) Fixed rational number Hypergeometric series O((log n)2 M(n)) 수학적 상수들Constant Algorithm Complexity Golden ratio, φ Newton's method O(M(n)) Square root of 2, √2 Newton's method O(M(n)) Euler's number, e Binary splitting of the Taylor series for the exponential function O(log n M(n)) Newton inversion of the natural logarithm O(log n M(n)) Pi, π Binary splitting of the arctan series in Machin's formula O((log n)2 M(n)) Salamin–Brent algorithm O(log n M(n)) Euler's constant, γ Sweeney's method (approximation in terms of the exponential integral) O((log n)2 M(n)) 정수론Operation Input Output Algorithm Complexity Greatest common divisor Two n-digit numbers One number with at most ndigits Euclidean algorithm O(n2) Binary GCD algorithm O(n2) Left/right k-ary binary GCD algorithm[8] O(n2/ log n) Stehlé–Zimmermann algorithm[9] O(log n M(n)) Schönhage controlled Euclidean descent algorithm[10] O(log n M(n)) Jacobi symbol Two n-digit numbers 0, −1, or 1 Schönhage controlled Euclidean descent algorithm[11] O(log n M(n)) Stehlé–Zimmermann algorithm[12] O(log n M(n)) Factorial A fixed-size number m One O(m log m)-digit number Bottom-up multiplication O(m2 log m) Binary splitting O(log m M(m log m)) Exponentiation of the prime factors of m O(log log m M(m logm)),[13]
O(M(m log m))[1]행렬연산Operation Input Output Algorithm Complexity Matrix multiplication Two n×n matrices One n×n matrix Schoolbook matrix multiplication O(n3) Strassen algorithm O(n2.807) Coppersmith–Winograd algorithm O(n2.376) Williams algorithm[14] O(n2.373) Matrix multiplication One n×m matrix & one m×p matrix
One n×p matrix Schoolbook matrix multiplication O(nmp) Matrix inversion* One n×n matrix One n×n matrix Gauss–Jordan elimination O(n3) Strassen algorithm O(n2.807) Coppersmith–Winograd algorithm O(n2.376) Williams algorithm O(n2.373) Determinant One n×n matrix One number Laplace expansion O(n!) LU decomposition O(n3) Bareiss algorithm O(n3) Fast matrix multiplication[citation needed] O(n2.373) Back Substitution Triangular matrix n solutions Back substitution O(n2)[15] 참고자료1. The Art of Computer Programming 기초알고리즘 1, 한빛미디어'algorithm' 카테고리의 다른 글
Merge sort (병합정렬, 합병정렬, 머지소트) (0) 2013.06.26 Insertion Sort (삽입정렬) (2) 2013.06.26 Quick Sort (퀵정렬, 퀵소트) (0) 2013.06.05 정렬 : Bubble Sort (버블정렬, 거품정렬) (0) 2013.05.22 알고리즘(algorithm) 개념 정리 (1) 2012.12.09 댓글