
  • RapidMind windows용 gpu 세팅하기
    GPU 2011. 1. 15. 10:20

    출처 : www.rapidmind.net

    rapidmind_root를 시스템 변수로 할당하지 않고 절대경로를 직접 잡아줬을때
    build 안되는 에러 발생

    Using the RapidMind Development Platform with the Microsoft Visual C++ development system

    Now that you have downloaded the RapidMind Development Platform and finished the Installation Wizard, it is time to set up the RapidMind platform with your current IDE.

    In this case, we assume that you are using either the Microsoft® Visual C++® .NET or the 2005 development system. If you use Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition you will have to download and install the Microsoft Platform SDK.

    The installer will set up an environment variable called RAPIDMIND_ROOT for you. This variable points to the location in which the evaluation package is installed.

    Compile-time Setup

    To use the RapidMind platform in an application, you will need to ensure that the following Microsoft Visual C++ development system project settings are set correctly:

    Configuration Properties: C/C++
      General: Additional Include Directories "$(RAPIDMIND_ROOT)\include" must appear in the list
      Preprocessor: Preprocessor Definitions NOMINMAX, _SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE; _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE must appear in the list
      Code Generation: Enable C++ Exceptions Must be Yes (/EHsc)
      Code Generation: Runtime Library Must be Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)
      Language: Enable-Run-Time Type Info Must be Yes
      Advanced: Disable Specific Warnings Should include 4003; 4251; 4244
    Configuration Properties: Linker
      General: Additional Library Directories 32 bit: "$(RAPIDMIND_ROOT)\lib\x86" must appear in the list
    64 bit: "$(RAPIDMIND_ROOT)\lib\x64" must appear in the list
      Input: Additional Dependencies For Visual C++ .NET (2003), rmplatform-vc7-md.lib must appear in the list
    For Visual C++ 2005, rmplatform-vc8-md.lib must appear in the list

    For a sample project that uses these settings, see the basic tutorial .

    Run-time Setup

    In order to execute a RapidMind-enabled program, you must have rmplatform-vc7-md.dll or rmplatform-vc8-md.dll in your system path or in the same location as the executable you are running.

    Furthermore, an appropriate backend must be available in the executable path or in the same directory that the application is launched from. All backends begin with RMBACKEND_ and end with .DLL . The following backends are included with the RapidMind platform:

    • rmbackend_glsl.dll - a GPU backend using the OpenGL shading language
    • rmbackend_cc.dll - a CPU backend using the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler

    All of these DLLs are found in the %RAPIDMIND_ROOT%\bin directory.

    The cc backend generates C code, compiles it at runtime, and links it into the running application. For this case, some additional environment variables must be setup for the compiler to use at runtime. How to setup these variables is described in the section on the cc backend.

    Please note that the Cell backend has not been included in these instructions, as it is not supported by the Windows operating system at this time.


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